Sunday, March 15, 2015

12:58 am

I should be checking my rear view and slowing down at the yellow
I should be stacking lids and calling out orders
I should be dialing not now and get the busy signal
I should be curling my hair and careful don't burn myself
I should be talking about Denmark and figuring out what the derivative of 2 weeks is
I should be deciding if your front door is as inviting as the one in back
I should be wondering how that living room was filled with more than just couches and people and bowls of popcorn
I should be worried if you lost your chapstick because I lost my rose and I didn't even realize it
I should be listening to Sounds of the Sabbath not John Mayer on repeat
I should be telling you to charge your phone because its always dead and maybe I'm scared that will be your excuse
I should be trying to fall asleep because I know this weekend has to move away just like you did.

But I'm thinking about you.

-'Til Next Time, Auburn Crane

1 comment:

  1. Amen. To all of this. Some people take more than their fair share of space in our brains.
