He was blue like innocent summer days with puffy clouds and hot pavement and dry grass. It was Intoxicated by The Cab and blistered feet. Full of too tall tree houses and too long talks on trampolines. I think it stayed awkward until you fell for JB and I for red.
Then I met black. He scoffed at blue because he was so young and finally we, him and I, were real. We were dark nights and rebellion and running in a cornfield. Half-truths and a whole list of firsts I could call mine. I showed him Beneath Your Beautiful and he figured out the Labyrinth within me. I said goodbye two months before he wanted me to. We both hated that day and that bridge.
I met red between the schedule of broken trains and fate. We kissed in every backseat that existed in our dreams and adventured through this world and our hearts like they'd never been explored. I fell in love through the pages of The Fox and the Hound and exponential equations we never could seem to focus on. And then the 22nd came way to fast and it's rained red ever since.
But this isn't for blue or black or red. This post is for yellow.
Yellow was in All of the Stars as we danced to Ed Sheeran. You brought sun to rainy days and light to the black one that sometimes still come. Basketball isn't as awful with you and I love 6'5'' and long walks.
This is for you, yellow. For you and the stars and second chances.
This is for you.
Forever more, Auburn Crane